How do we heal our negativities?

Do you feel pain in your mind, body, or spirit? Do you want relief from the negativity? I’m confident you want to release from your pain.

What is the definition of your pain? The pain could be from maybe a divorce, a death of a loved one, severe health problems, injuries from a car accident, work sexual discrimination, or any other traumatic event. As a survivor of the discomfort, you may be experiencing one or more negative emotions such as denial, anger, negativity, guilt, resentment, or sorrow.

How do we heal our negativities? My future book, ‘Why Heal Your Mind, Body, and Spirit? Sleuthing Ways to Love,’ will provide information on how to relieve your pain in your mind, body, or spirit to find your true-life purpose and to experience the gift of love. I invite you to crawl, walk, run, and fall as you acquire your knowledge of how to heal yourself and find our love for self and others.

Author: gpsanne

Anne M. Logan is currently the Manager of Grow Power Self (GPS) Improvement, LLC. She is currently a healthcare consultant, educator, author and lecturer.

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